Tieing or Tying? Learn the Correct Spelling and Easy Rule

Would you like to spell the word that describes how we make a knot? Is it tieing or tying? Sometimes even adults get slightly confused! The good news is that we will solve it and I guarantee it’s not a challenge at all.

The correct spelling of the word is definitely tying. When you tie your shoelaces or when you make a nice fistful bow, you are tying up something. Although tieing may look good, that’s not how we spell it in English. There’s a little trick that helps make the word easy to read and say. 

In this lesson, we will explain to you the reasons why tying is the right spelling word, how this interesting misspelling rule works, and the best ways it can be approached. When we are through, you will have the confidence of a spelling wizard and you will never forget that tying is the way to go!

What’s the Correct Spelling: Tying or Tieing?

The correct spelling is “tying.” This is the way English speakers have agreed to write the word when talking about making knots, bows, or loops. Whenever you are busy tying your shoelaces or tying a ribbon, you are using the correct spelling!

Why “Tying” Is Correct

The verb “tie” follows a simple spelling rule that helps make words easier to say and read. When you add -ing to a word that ends with -ie, the ie changes to y. That’s why tie turns into tying instead of tieing. This little change helps the word sound smooth and natural when you say it out loud.

This spelling trick isn’t just for the word tie. It works for other words too, like die, which becomes dying, and lie, which becomes lying. English has lots of these helpful rules to make writing and reading easier!


  • Correct: I am tying my shoelaces.
  • Incorrect: I am tieing my shoelaces.

Remember, every time you need to write about tying something, you’ll know the right way to spell it. This rule keeps words from looking too tricky, and it helps us all understand each other better!

Grammar Rule Explained – Why We Drop the “E” and Change “IE” to “Y”

tieing or tying

This rule helps maintain smoother pronunciation. Adding -ing directly to a word ending in ie would create awkward letter combinations that are difficult to pronounce.

Examples of Similar Words Following This Rule

Base VerbPresent Participle

This pattern helps English speakers pronounce these words more naturally and consistently.

What About Tieing? Why Is It Incorrect?

Although tieing might look like the right choice when you just add -ing to tie, it’s actually not correct in standard English. That’s because it doesn’t follow the special ie → y rule that helps make words easier to read and say when they end with -ie.

Even though you might spot tieing in some old books or in casual writing, it’s still considered a spelling mistake in proper, modern English. Writers and teachers agree that following the ie to y rule makes everything clearer and easier to understand.

When you see tieing, you’ll know it’s a slip-up, but now you’ll also know why! With the simple grammar rule you’ve learned, you can be confident that tying is the right and smart choice every time you need to write about making a knot.

Historical Context – Did People Ever Use Tieing?

A brief dive into historical English usage shows that tieing occasionally appeared in 18th and 19th-century texts. This was before spelling rules were as standardized as they are today. However, modern dictionaries and style guides uniformly recommend tying as the only correct form.

Examples in Context – Using Tying Correctly

Here are some real-life examples that demonstrate the correct usage of tying:

  1. She spent the afternoon tying ribbons onto gift boxes.
  2. The sailor was tying knots with expert precision.
  3. They are tying the curtains back to let more sunlight in.
  4. Tying your shoelaces properly can prevent tripping.
  5. He was busy tying his tie before the big meeting.

In each case, tying is the correct form because it follows the standard grammatical rules for verbs ending in ie.

Why Do People Confuse Tying and Tieing?

1. Misunderstanding Spelling Rules

The confusion often stems from applying the “just add -ing” rule universally, without considering irregular verbs.

2. Phonetic Guesswork

Some learners spell words based on how they sound, which leads to tieing because it “sounds” like it should match tie.

3. Lack of Exposure

Native speakers rarely think about spelling rules consciously, so many people default to guesswork when writing uncommon forms.

Comparison Table – Tying vs. Tieing

Correct Form?✅ Yes❌ No
Follows Grammar Rule?✅ Yes❌ No
Commonly Used?✅ Yes❌ Rare
Found in Dictionaries?✅ Yes❌ No
Preferred in Modern English?✅ Yes❌ No

Quick Grammar Rule Recap – When to Replace IE with Y

tieing or tying

This grammar rule applies to most verbs ending in -ie when forming the present participle:

  1. Drop the -ie.
  2. Replace with -y.
  3. Add -ing.

Examples Beyond Tie

Base VerbPresent Participle

Is It Tying or Tieing? – A Visual Memory Aid

To remember that tying is correct, think of the y as a piece of string looping into a knot – just like you do when you tie something. This visual can help reinforce the correct spelling in your mind.

Common Search Queries and Confusions

  • Is it tying or tieing?
  • How do you spell tieing?
  • Which is correct: tying or tieing?
  • What is the present participle of tie?

The answer to all these is simple:
Tying is the correct form.

Examples from Popular Style Guides

Oxford English Dictionary

✅ Lists tying as the correct present participle.


✅ Confirms that tying follows the ie → y spelling rule.

The Chicago Manual of Style

✅ Advises writers to use tying for consistency in formal writing.

Tying in or Tieing in? Which is Correct?

When incorporating tie into a phrasal verb like tie in, the present participle is still tying.


  • They are tying in the new guidelines with existing policies.


  • They are tieing in the new guidelines with existing policies.

Final Thoughts

At the end, All the times spellings come into question, the phrase you will ever require is always tying and not tieing. English sometimes is a bit tricky, especially in cases where it doesn’t conform to the normally anticipated constructs. However, the straightforward rule of changing ie to y before adding -ing makes this one straightforward to remember. No matter if you are tying your shoes, tying ribbons, or tying up loose ends, the sentence spelling will always be tying.

In case of troubling or in instances where the words seem unfamiliar, there is nothing wrong in feeling doubt especially when confronting spellings happening on the internet. But now you know the entire picture – the grammar rules, the history, the pieces of advice from professionals, and everything to provide a clear framework. With all this, you can now choose the right form without any doubt.

So, next time you are writing, picture the y spelling in tying curling into a knot as those formed during actual tying. This picture is simple, but can help you to remember the right spelling forever. With this guide, the worries surrounding it being tying or tieing will no longer occur.

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