Infront or In Front? The Correct Spelling & Easy Guide (2025)

For many people, there is uncertainty over whether “in front” should be written in one word or two, and as such “infront or in front” becomes a common problem in English. This can be a real hassle for learners of the language, and in fact even native speakers can get confused. If you have ever asked yourself if “infront” exists and when to use “in front”, rest assured, you are not by yourself.

The truth is, the phrase “in front” is always written with a space, and the term “infront” is incorrect. Knowing the difference can help you avoid common writing mistakes ranging from informal pieces to formal ones.

Aside from telling you straightforwardly that it is as simple as that, there are plenty of examples and explanations we will look at that will illustrate why “in front” is written as such and also pointers that will guarantee you won’t mess it up in the future.

Is “In Front” One Word or Two?

infront or in front

The correct form is “in front” as two separate words. “Infront” (written as one word) is incorrect and does not exist in standard English dictionaries. Despite being commonly misspelled, “in front” is the proper way to indicate position or placement ahead of something or someone.

Breaking Down the Phrase “In Front”

To understand why “in front” must be two words, let’s analyze its structure:

  • “In” is a preposition that indicates position or location.
  • “Front” is a noun that refers to the forward-facing part of something.

Together, they form a prepositional phrase, which describes where something or someone is located. Prepositional phrases are a common feature in English, and their correct usage helps maintain clarity in communication.

Why Do People Write “Infront” as One Word?

The incorrect spelling “infront” is a result of phonetic blending. Since we pronounce “in front” quickly in speech, it may seem like a single word. This is similar to how contractions like “cannot” become “can’t,” but unlike contractions, “in front” does not officially merge into one word.

Another reason for this mistake is analogy. People may assume “infront” follows the same pattern as words like “inside” or “into.” However, those words have distinct grammatical histories that justify their spelling as one word, whereas “in front” does not.

Additionally, some non-native English speakers may come from languages where similar phrases are written as one word, leading to confusion. In standard written English, however, “in front” must always be two words.

How to Use “In Front” Correctly

Examples of Correct Usage

SentenceCorrect or Incorrect?
The school is in front of the park.✅ Correct
He parked his car in front of the supermarket.✅ Correct
The teacher stood in front of the classroom, explaining the lesson.✅ Correct

Examples of Incorrect Usage

SentenceCorrect or Incorrect?
The school is infront of the park.❌ Incorrect
He parked his car infront of the supermarket.❌ Incorrect
The teacher stood infront of the classroom.❌ Incorrect

Common Questions About “In Front” vs “Infront”

infront or in front

1. Is “infront” ever correct?

No, “infront” is never correct in standard English. It is a spelling mistake and should always be written as “in front.” Additionally, you will not find “infront” in any reputable dictionary. If you see it used anywhere, it is either a typographical error or a misunderstanding of proper spelling rules.

2. Why do people confuse “in front” and “infront”?

The mistake likely comes from how quickly the phrase is spoken, leading some to assume it is a single word. Since similar words like “inside” and “into” exist, people mistakenly apply the same rule to “in front.” Furthermore, the rise of informal digital communication, where people often type quickly without paying attention to grammar, has contributed to the frequent misspelling of “in front.”

3. What is the best way to remember the correct spelling?

A simple trick is to separate “in” and “front” in your mind. Think of “in” as a direction and “front” as a place. Just like “in the car” or “in the room,” “in front” follows the same structure. Another effective way to remember is to visualize a common phrase like “stand in front of the mirror” and repeat it multiple times until the correct spelling becomes natural.

How to Avoid the Mistake in Writing

Since “infront” is not a real word, here are a few methods to ensure you always use “in front” correctly:

1. Use Spell Checkers

Most modern spell checkers will highlight “infront” as an error and suggest “in front” instead. Always pay attention to these corrections and verify your spelling before finalizing any written work.

2. Break It Down

Whenever you’re about to write “infront,” stop and break it into two words: “in” + “front.” If it doesn’t make sense separately, you might be misusing the phrase. For instance, if you substitute “in front” with similar phrases like “on top” or “beside,” it should still make sense grammatically.

3. Practice with Similar Phrases

Incorrect PhraseCorrect Phrase
infront of the housein front of the house
infront of the carin front of the car
infront of the classroomin front of the classroom

Compare “in front” with other correct prepositional phrases:

  • In back (e.g., “The car is in back of the house.”)
  • In between (e.g., “She sat in between her two friends.”)
  • In place (e.g., “The items were set in place.”)

Since all of these remain two words, it reinforces that “in front” should also be written as two words.

Other Related Grammar Mistakes to Avoid

infront or in front

If you’re working on improving your English writing skills, here are a few other commonly miswritten words similar to “infront”:

1. Alot vs. A Lot

AlotA lot

2. Onto vs. On To

I jumped onto the train.I jumped on to the train.

3. Everytime vs. Every Time

EverytimeEvery time

Just like “in front,” these words are often mistakenly combined when they should remain separate.

Key Insight

Is it “infront” or “in front”?

It is always “in front” with two words. “Infront” is not a real word.

Why is “infront” wrong?

“Infront” is a spelling mistake. The correct way is “in front” because “in” and “front” are two separate words.

How do you spell “in front” correctly?

You spell it as “in front” (two words). Never write “infront.”

What does “in front” mean?

It means something is ahead of or before something else. Example: “The car is in front of the house.”

How can I remember to write “in front” correctly?

Think of “in” as a place and “front” as a position. Together, they always stay two words.

Is “infront” in the dictionary?

No, “infront” is not in any standard English dictionary. The correct phrase is “in front.”

Final Thoughts

This phrase is written as “in front” and nothing else. “Infront” is incorrect. Understanding these details will help you spell appropriately and minimize any confusion both in social and workplace interactions. 

Following the strategies from the guide, which includes spell checkers, breakdowns of phrases, and comparisons to other phrases, will aid in improving grammar accuracy and help ensure clarity in writing. These changes largely improve the effectiveness of the message in question.

Remember that the correct expression of “in front” should be kept as two separate words. With continuous attempts, you automatically develop the habit of applying the correct form without straining, providing confidence and improving effectiveness in communication.

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